Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Biking in the City

You may not know it but I belong to a gang. A bicycling gang and we are XTREME. And that means safety first which means wearing our helmets. Also, when making the XTREME hand sign (arms crossed to make an X) do it very quickly and grab back on to the handle bars, cause whoa, balancing is not easy yo! Another thing we do not do is yell "ON YOUR RIGHT!!" or "WATCH OUT WATCH OUT" when passing pedestrians and small children who are enjoying a day at the park, because it just seems rude you know? We prefer to give an enthusiastic wave and a slightly nasasly Hiii!! The whole helmet thing bugs me though, as #1 it gets hot and #2 it looks and feels pretty dorky. OK, truthfully vanity rules, so switch the order of the two. Anyway, I saw this clip of the police in Denmark trying to stress the importance of a helmet and thought it was a cool campaign. And it really is important to protect that little noggin of yours.

Thursday, May 14, 2009


Yet another post containing link love. Just more stuff I viewed and enjoyed this week while floating around the Internets(like the photo above.) I should probably have more interesting stuff about my thoughts, my life or creative projects to write about, but meh. I am just in a transition phase, working out on a regular basis - new to me, but I am really liking it. Sweaty, sweaty, sweat - it makes my skin feel soft, which is great but let me see some leans lines please! Just mourning the Mavericks loss, but only a little teeny tiny bit, because I can no longer emotionally invest in a sports team, tried it in 2006 and it sucked. Psyching up for a road trip up the 1 with my awesome friends - which includes my husband. He is so awesome and so kissable. OK, so here is what I found to be worth clicking on this week:

Fantastic and beautiful footage of a wave.

I have never given pole dancing much thought, but this girl is really just incredible and makes me wanna. The 1:45ish mark is just so cool.

Oh, and this is cute:

And then, this girl is beautiful - leads an interesting life in the woods and is a great photographer:

Friday, May 08, 2009


My favorite image of the week thanks to The Ginger and Kanye. Photo by: Andrey Razumovsky