Would you do this for your friend?
This heart breaking and yet inspiring video just has me so upset. I knew it would. I love animals so much. I love plants and all living things. One of my favorite things in the world is to come home to my animals. There is so much exuberance and excitement and utter joy. They are truly happy to see me. And God it feels wonderful. I once joked with a friend how fun/funny it would be if we greeted eachother as dogs do. Jumping up and down, whining, sniffing, touching. Aaahh. But, alas, we do not. I have never doubted that animals have feelings, that they can both give and feel love. I feel it, see it and experience every day. If that makes me a flake in some peoples eyes so be it. I think there seems to be a little coldness in many people who are not animal lovers. It makes me sad when I see kids who fear dogs solely because they are unfamiliar or they have been taught to fear them. And I have felt for some time that homes without any animals have this sterility to them - they lack the whimsical energy that animals bring. It has been said one zillion times that animals don't judge or care what you say or what you give them for dinner. They are greatful and content to have your company (so long as you are not a dog kicking asshole - but even then, some of them forgive that.) The older I get the more greatful I am for the time spent with animals. And so this year E. and I were talking about what we would like for Christmas and we both agreed we wanted a gift in our name to a charity. And so when I was asked at a family gathering this year and I answered the question, I said a donation to the SPCA. And I was met with silence and dismissal as if I had not even spoken. Which sucked. But, it is truly what I wanted. And today seeing this video it is even more true. My heart aches seeing dogs and cats in streets or tied up and lonely on a chain. I know there are a lot of problems in the world right now. The economy sucks, there are wars and poverty, a man was killed because people were in a frenzy to buy some cheap ass shit. But, the thing is these are all man made problems. And there is PLENTY of focus on solving these issues. Well the economy any way. I feel that all life is connected. That when we ignore or hurt the other living organisms on this earth we are actually doing the same to ourselves, to our homes and our family that has no voice that we can understand. And so this year while I have plenty of love to give my family and friends any exchange of gifts/money I would like to go to some dog or cat lonely in shelter somewhere to help get a dog off the street. For they can't ask for themselves. They depend on our kindness and willingness to shepherd the earth in some thoughtful way. I would like to make this season more about giving of self as this dog did for another, as the people went speeding by in their oblivious hurry to I don't know where.